Descrição: Titulo: Software Testing Second Edition - Autor | Ano de Publicação: Ron Patton | 2006 - Área/Seção: Administração - Descrição: - LIVRO NOVO - Editora: sams - Tipo: novo - Encadernação: Brochura - Formato: Papel

Software testing is one of the invisible jobs in the software industry. Everyone has heard of computer programmers but few people realize there are nearly as many people behind the scenes with job titles such as Software Tester, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Software Test Engineer, and Software Test Technician. Microsoft alone hires hundreds of people for these positions each year. There are also many companies whose sole purpose is providing software test consulting and software testing services. The first edition of Software Testing was published in November 2000. Although the processes and techniques used in testing computer software are timeless, this title will be brought up-to-date by adding a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs and revisiting the rest of the book to update examples and references.

Software Testing Second Edition - Ron Patton | 2006

Software Testing Second Edition - Ron Patton | 2006 R$94,50
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Descrição: Titulo: Software Testing Second Edition - Autor | Ano de Publicação: Ron Patton | 2006 - Área/Seção: Administração - Descrição: - LIVRO NOVO - Editora: sams - Tipo: novo - Encadernação: Brochura - Formato: Papel

Software testing is one of the invisible jobs in the software industry. Everyone has heard of computer programmers but few people realize there are nearly as many people behind the scenes with job titles such as Software Tester, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Software Test Engineer, and Software Test Technician. Microsoft alone hires hundreds of people for these positions each year. There are also many companies whose sole purpose is providing software test consulting and software testing services. The first edition of Software Testing was published in November 2000. Although the processes and techniques used in testing computer software are timeless, this title will be brought up-to-date by adding a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs and revisiting the rest of the book to update examples and references.