Descrição: Titulo: Lengends of Rock Guitar the Essential Reference of Rocks Greatest... - Autor | Ano de Publicação: Diversos | 1997 - Área/Seção: Música - Descrição: - Livro bem conservado, não grifado, nem carimbado, 264 páginas..imagem meramente ilustrativa.(Book). This book is a virtual encyclopedia of great electric guitar players, with 35 chapters examining the major players in each important era of rock. The book begins with rocks birth from the blues, covering masters like Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters. It proceeds to cover rockabilly greats like Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Buddy Holly; through the mop tops and matching suits of the British Invasion; to the psychedelia of the Dead and Hendrix; glam rocks dresses and distortion; fusion virtuosos like Metheny, Gambale, and Henderson; metal masters; shred stars; grunge gods; grindcore; and much more. Legends of Rock Guitar is not only a great resource for guitar fans, but an interesting and well-res - Editora: hal leonard - Tipo: seminovo - Encadernação: Brochura - Formato: Papel

Lengends of Rock Guitar the Essential Reference of Rocks Greatest... - Diversos | 1997

Lengends of Rock Guitar the Essential Reference of Rocks Greatest... - Diversos | 1997 R$135,59
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Descrição: Titulo: Lengends of Rock Guitar the Essential Reference of Rocks Greatest... - Autor | Ano de Publicação: Diversos | 1997 - Área/Seção: Música - Descrição: - Livro bem conservado, não grifado, nem carimbado, 264 páginas..imagem meramente ilustrativa.(Book). This book is a virtual encyclopedia of great electric guitar players, with 35 chapters examining the major players in each important era of rock. The book begins with rocks birth from the blues, covering masters like Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters. It proceeds to cover rockabilly greats like Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Buddy Holly; through the mop tops and matching suits of the British Invasion; to the psychedelia of the Dead and Hendrix; glam rocks dresses and distortion; fusion virtuosos like Metheny, Gambale, and Henderson; metal masters; shred stars; grunge gods; grindcore; and much more. Legends of Rock Guitar is not only a great resource for guitar fans, but an interesting and well-res - Editora: hal leonard - Tipo: seminovo - Encadernação: Brochura - Formato: Papel